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DIY Jubeat Controller - Costings

Date published: 25 September 2023 | Estimated Read Time: ~2 minute(s)

The costings, as mentioned a brand new jubeat cabinet was around $1000 which is around £820. Below I will list all the prices in both GBP and USD. I will also break it down into different sections for both materials and tools. At the beginning of this project I had zero tools and all them had to be bought throughout the project.

Cost of GBP USD
Tools £490 $599
Materials £350 $428
- - -
Total £840 $1027

Time taken was around 4 weeks.

As we can see the pricing despite being approximations do add up to the same price as buying a brand new arcade machine, however if I had the tools already it would have been cheaper by more than half the price of a new machine. I will also say the learning time I got from this is not measurable and hopefully the skills learnt in this project will influence future projects.

The series:

** Prices were correct at time of publishing