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DIY Jubeat Controller - Footnotes

Date published: 26 September 2023 | Estimated Read Time: ~2 minute(s)

If you have gotten this far in the articles then thanks, this project was a really fun one and I have been playing the cabinet a fair bit since building it. My friends have also really been enjoying it and hopefully inspired some other people to look up this amazing game called Jubeat. This page will contain some final notes on what a version 2 would be and mistakes I made.


  • I went through 2 soldering irons as my soldering is awful, these skills are slowly improving
  • Measuring, some measurements were off, I managed to recover but it's why creating a 3d model to scale is important
  • Burns, I kept burning myself on hot glue and the soldering iron. BE CAREFUL!
  • Underestimating how long the project would take, burn out nearly killed this project.

Version 2

If I was to make a version 2 I would definitely change the way the buttons are wired up, I don't like how many wires there were and I've seen a Github project that used PCBs for two of the buttons so if I was todo a version 2 I would learn how to make PCBs to give the top controller a slimmer look.

Off the back of slimmer profile, I would look at getting the middle button panel 3d printed, the buttons are held with wood stubs and that is leading to them getting stuck so I'd look to 3d print chassis's that would hold these buttons and acrylic button plates in place.

Don't use windows 7 - yes its more authentic to the real machine but a right pain to get all the drivers installed now it's been discontinued so v2 could look at a window 10 or future OS build.

Thanks again for reading, this article has comments turned on if there are any questions or discussions points.

The series: